The error that occurs when running the Carla example

I tried to run the example for Carla, but encountered some errors as shown below. How can I resolve this?

(chatscene) robot@WP:~/桌面/Scenic$ scenic examples/carla/pedestrian.scenic --model scenic.simulators.carla.model --simulate
Beginning scenario construction…
pygame 2.3.0 (SDL 2.24.2, Python 3.8.20)
Hello from the pygame community. Contribute - pygame wiki
Loading cached version of road network…
Loaded cached network in 0.40 seconds.
Traceback (most recent call last; use -b to show Scenic internals):
File “/home/robot/桌面/Scenic/examples/carla/pedestrian.scenic”, line 5
ego = new Car
ScenicSyntaxError: invalid syntax

I switched to another example, but I still encounter the same error.